Saturday, January 31, 2009

Stampin' Up!

I have started on a new adventure, one I am quite excited about, Stampin Up! Grace and I spent all afternoon working on some Valentine's day cards for her friends and while frustrating at times, a 3yr old never does it "right", it was a lot of fun. Now I don't have any really nice stamps yet, as our club has not yet begun, but I did pick up some cheap ones and already am totally addicted and can't wait to finally finish my wedding scrapbook, 7yrs later, and the kids yearly scrapbooks. I have all these wonderful ideas in my head, re-doing wedding pictures and baby photos, oh so fun.

These are the cards that Grace and I made, we are going to put a little bag of cinnamon hearts inside.
Red for the boys, pink for the girls.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Being Sick Is No Fun

Poor Carter spent all last week being sick. It is no fun with a 10 month old because they can not tell you anything and it is hard for them to understand the meaning behind the things we try and do for them. So very frustrating.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Cheese Noodle Dilema

This picture was taken in October of 2007
with her favourite meal.
So it seems, at least for now, that I have my well behaved 3 year old back, thanks goodness. Carter on the other hand has been so miserable the last couple of days, I hope it's just a growth spurt or finally some more teeth, he only has 2. At this moment my house is nice and quiet, Grace is playing in the playroom and Carter is finally napping, ahh the sound of silence. It is so welcome these days, even if it is only temporary. I think that cabin fever is already setting in with Grace and myself, although the last few days have been so gorgeous, we were able to get out for an evening walk and enjoy the sunset. I do love these cool, sunny fall days.

Our new challenge recently is trying to encourage Grace to eat more, she has a thing for cheese noodles, it is so incredibly frustrating. She is way to stubborn to even be bribed, if she doesn't want to eat it, she won't. I'm sure she would sit all night long at the table if that was an option. I will win eventually...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Life In the Last 16 Months...A Quick Summary

So much has changed in the last 16 months, I have found it much easier to keep in touch with friends since the introduction of Facebook to all of our lives. I thought, however, that I might get back to doing some blogging.
It has been a busy year for my family and I, as most of you know we have a wonderful new addition to our family, a little boy, whom is almost 10 months old already. Grace just turned 3, I know so crazy.
I really don't have a whole lot to say, does that mean I'm sort of sad?
We had a wonderful summer, Kelly's mom came out from Alberta to visit, my dad turned 60, we got to do some camping, although not as much as I would have liked. Grace keeps taking about going back to the "camping site", she is too funny.
My football team had a great year with many new faces and of course with that comes new challenges; but we met those head on and had a wonderful year. I am so excited for the next season to begin. We also decided to play a little softball this past fall and while I have never really been into the sport I had a great time and wished I could have played in a few more games.
Carter is a wonderful little man and Grace, most of the time, is a great big sister. Although lately I have been wondering where my normally well behaved little girl is, I hope she returns to me soon, I miss her.
Well there you have it, my recent life in a nutshell. Since this is my first blog in 16 months, I thought that would just include some random pictures from the last 10 months for you to enjoy.
Carter Christopher, December 27 2007

February '08

May '08

July '08

September '08
See you again soon!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Banquet '07

This is my friend Erica.
This is Kim, a little drunk.

This is our "Rookie of the Year" Crystal.

A slight change from my regular writings, this one is mostly about me! We just wrapped our 2007 football season last weekend and we had a blast. Our banquet was held Saturday night and our team was in charge of decorations, we rocked. Our rookie, Crystal, won the league's "Rookie of the Year" award, yeah Crystal. Yours truly won my team "Offensive Player" of the year, I was a little surprised, but very honoured of course. A few of my team mates had a little too much to drink that night, hey Kim, but it was a great night and a wonderful season. We have our big Sun Bowl tourney this weekend and that's it for the year, ah a little sad. Well I guess that about wraps it up for now.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


We had a wonderful day in Parksville yesterday, we went to the beach and rode on the swings and had ice cream. We got to the beach and took Grace's shoes off, she was not to pleased with that, I guess she just needs to get used to being barefoot. She would not go in the little tide pools at all, in fact she sorta screamed. Kelly finally put her shoes back on and all was well with the world. She loved the beach after that, she went into all the tide pools and splashed and picked up sand dollars. She had on her little green croc shoes so every time she walked on the sand after being in the water she squeaked, she thought this was quite hysterical. We then headed to the big children's park that they have there (Duncan needs something like it). She rode the swings and the teeter toter and a swing set that goes round and round, she would have stayed on it all day if Kelly and I hadn't had enough of the sun. So then we had an ice cream cone and settled in for the drive home, most of which Grace slept through, thankfully. All in all we had a great day, it is so nice to have a place fairly close by that you can do so many things at. We most certainly be spending a few more days up there this summer.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Not Too Much Going On

I know that it has been awhile, I haven't been feeling to creative lately. Kelly just got over having pneumonia and I have a sinus cold that just won't let go, very annoying. Anyway not too much new, we are almost finished up the yard for another spring. I just have my deck pots to do and maybe the backyard flower beds, if we get our stairs done in time. Gracie is talking lots, she has several dozen words and is even speaking in simple sentences. She is also almost got the hang of dressing herself, she can do the socks, and the pants, the shoes are also a pretty consistent feat. We are still working the top, she hasn't quite the over the head concept. I am also very lucky that she likes wearing her hat, as you can see in the picture. She's so cute. I recently went and visited my friend Kim in Nanaimo and had a very nice visit, that's her daughter Abby with Grace, Abby is 3 weeks older. The girls got along quite well, which is always nice. I just got back from a record fast shopping trip to Nanaimo with my cousin Jen, who is 6 1/2 months pregnant with her second, and her little girl Avery, who is 4 months older. They were hysterical, chasing each other around The Gap and talking away to each other, it was so cool to watch them interacting with each other. Well I guess that's about it for now, looking forward to the long weekend.